Important immunisations for travel to Cambodia

Updated on Aug 24, 2024 | Cambodia e-Visa

Before entering Cambodia, visitors must get the necessary immunisations. These measures make sure that tourists may enjoy a pleasant and safe stay in the nation. They additionally help in limiting the spread of illness within Cambodia.

Tourists must have a few vaccinations prior to leaving the country using an active Cambodia visa.

The vaccinations in Cambodia required are outlined in this article. It also outlines the current COVID-19 vaccination standards as well as whether a COVID-19 immunization certificate is necessary for traveling to Cambodia.

Cambodian Vaccination Standards 

On October 4, 2022, the COVID-19 prohibitions on travelling to Cambodia were repealed.

To enter Cambodia, travelers are no more needed to show documentation of their COVID-19 vaccine.Entrance criteria are identical for tourists with and without vaccinations.

Important immunisations for travel to Cambodia

Certain vaccinations in Cambodia are advised for tourists. Many visitors have a pleasant and pleasurable time in Cambodia, nevertheless, everyone should take care to avoid contagious diseases.

All Cambodian Tourists Need Vaccinations

Before entering the country, all travelers should receive the requisite vaccinations in Cambodia.

Visitors from abroad to Cambodia are shielded from the spread of prevalent diseases through vaccinations. Additionally, they lessen the possibility of contracting diseases that are uncommon in the tourist's own nation or area. 

Those who are going to visit Cambodia ought to think about having all the necessary vaccinations:

  • Yellow Fever (MMR) if coming from a nation with an elevated rate of transmission of rubella, measles, and mumps.
  • These vaccines are regularly given out in countries all over the world for Hepatitis A, Tetanus, Polio, Chickenpox (Varicella), and others.

Before entering Cambodia, visitors should check with their physician to determine if they need to get any additional shots.

Visas are required for visitors from outside of Cambodia. All an individual has to be aware of about Cambodia Tourist Visa is on this page.

Additional Vaccines Advisable for Cambodia

In addition to the immunizations mentioned above, there are a few more that visitors to Cambodia should consider. Depending on the region the visitor plans to visit and how long they plan to spend in the nation, these are necessary.

If visitors are planning to spend a significant amount of time in Cambodia or visit any remote regions, they should think about acquiring the following vaccinations:

  • Japanese encephalitis, 
  • rabies, as well as typhoid

Health Care in Cambodia

Prior to departure, travellers must consider the critical medical details for Cambodia.

To make the most of their vacation, travellers must understand how to keep themselves in good health and minimize dangers while on the premises.

In some areas of Cambodia, there is a prevalence of malaria. By taking medications like tourists can prevent malaria.

Travellers should have antimalarial medication at hand in case they decide to visit locations where malaria is a widespread problem, such as the northeastern border of the country with Vietnam or the countryside outside of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.

Along with adhering to these suggestions, visitors should observe standard rules of hygiene for themselves like:

  • Routinely washing their hands
  • Consuming only bottled water
  • Taking medical treatment if they become ill
  • Applying insect repelling substance to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.
  • Eating only food that is properly cooked.
  • Avoiding interaction with wildlife nearby
  • Much of the time, travelling to Cambodia is pleasant and unforgettable.  Yet, the best way to prevent this is by adhering to the right healthcare guidance and receiving the required vaccines to safeguard both the tourists and residents.

The museums, palaces, pagodas, and markets provide a look into Cambodia's history and culture. Bars, restaurants, and clubs make up its vibrant nightlife. These are only a few of the major towns that contribute to making Cambodia an interesting and varied place to travel. Here is an overview of the most popular cities in Cambodia to visit.

Cambodia Visa Online is an online travel permit to visit Cambodia for tourism or commercial purposes. International visitors must have a Cambodia e-Visa to be able to visit Cambodia. Foreign citizens can apply for an Cambodia e-Visa Application in a matter of minutes.

Australian citizens, Canadian citizens, French citizens and Italian citizens are eligible to apply online for Cambodia e-Visa.