Top Ten Cambodian Monuments

Updated on Sep 01, 2024 | Cambodia e-Visa

The monuments and the historic significance tied to them light up the beauty of Cambodia. All the monuments and their uniqueness add importance to the culture and heritage of Cambodia. It also provides an unforgettable memory for every traveller visiting the nation. Exploring the monuments brings travellers closer to the history and diverse culture of Cambodia. Cambodia has over 6000 historic sites or monuments to visit and be surprised by their architectural brilliance.

Travellers might be overwhelmed by the numerous monuments in Cambodia and often get confused about what to add to their travel itinerary. Here’s the list of the top ten monuments to visit in Cambodia.

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Bayon Temple

The center of the ancient city Angkor Thom is home to the 12th century Bayon Temple. It is an outstanding monument of Khmer art and architecture. The temple was built using sandstone and laterite during the Jayavarman VII period. The carvings on the walls of the temple depict the ancient lifestyle, such as marketplaces, battle scenes, fortune telling, etc. The breathtaking view of the temple is the central tower and the eight tangential towers surrounding the central tower, which is decorated with smiling face carvings. Originally the temple had 49-59 smiling face towers.

Explore the Elephant Terrace, which was once used by the Kings to host public ceremonies and other events. Be early to enjoy the sunrise, the temple is open to visitors every day from 7.30 AM to 5-5.30 PM. Siem Reap International Airport is the closest airport to Angkor Thom, traveller can get a taxi to reach the Bayon temple after leaving the airport. The ride to Bayon temple will take about 25-30 minutes.  

Banteay Srei

The Banteay Srei temple has many other names such as The Pink Temple, The Lady Temple and the Ruby of the Angkor kingdom. The temple is often praised as the ‘jewel of Khmer Art’ owing to its outstanding intricate carvings. The Banteay Srei Hindu temple is situated in the Banteay Srei district. The temple was built in 967 AD using red sandstone during the period of King Rajendra Varman. It depicts the carving of Lord Indra riding in his vehicle, multi-headed naga, mythical sea creatures and serpents. The temple is a living monument and an outstanding example of the red sandstone construction and intricate carvings.

A special mention to the details of the carvings depicting the Hindu mythology gods, goddesses and a few mythology scenes. Exploring the temple requires an entry fee, and the length of the visit might take 1-2 hours. The temple is open every day from 7.30 AM to 5.30 PM. The main attractions of the Banteay Srei temple are the sanctuary, library and the Hall of Guardians.

Preah Vihear Temple

The ancient Hindu temple Preah Vihear Temple is located on the Dângrêk Mountains cliff, which is over 500 meters high. The hilltop view of the Cambodian plains from the Preah Vihear temple is breathtaking. The outstanding universal value and architectural significance of the temple were acknowledged and added to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Preah Vihear temple is an 11th century important monument built during the Khmer Empire. The wall and carving of the temple whisper the glorious past of the country. The Preah Vihear Temple complex includes the Hall of Hundred Columns, a central sanctuary, a library, walls, pathways, a staircase, etc.

Dedicate some time to visit the museum exhibiting the artifacts and preserving the history and cultural significance of the temple. The intricate carving on the temple wall and columns depicts the ancient rituals and religious beliefs. Travellers can visit the temple on any day between 7.00 AM to 5.00 PM. Visitors can take a private cab, bus or taxi from Siem Reap. Exploring the ruins of the temple and the hilltop view might take 2-3 hours.

Independence Monument

The Independence Monument is situated in the center of the city Phnom Penh, which is also the capital city of the nation. The Independence Monument is Cambodia’s symbol of liberation from the French Colony. The monument was designed by a Cambodian artist, Vann Molyvann, in 1958 to celebrate Cambodia’s independence in 1953. The structure of the monument beholds the Khmer historical architecture, which is evident through the lotus-shaped structure of the monument. Visitors can take a walk into the garden to relax and enjoy the monument’s evening light-up. The golden glow of the monument is an iconic sight to witness.  

The Independence Monument is a significant landmark that hosts numerous ceremonies, public events, activities and a lot more on Independence Day and Constitution Day. Visitors can join the cultural walking tour exploring a few other cultural and historical monuments in Phnom Penh. The monument is open around the clock, so visitors can visit anytime.

Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Monument

The Cambodia-Vietnam Monument is located 900 meters away from the Independence Monument. Visitors can walk from the Independence Monument to reach the Cambodia-Vietnam monument, which only takes about 3-6 minutes. The Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Monument was built in 1979 by the Vietnamese government in remembrance of the Cambodian-Vietnamese War. The monument stands as the symbol of friendship between both nations. The monument is located in the center of Botum Park which has a children's playground to entertain the kids.

The monument consists of two soldiers, each representing the Vietnam and Cambodia country, beside the statue of a woman holding a kid in her hand. The monument is free to visit and open 24 hours every day. A few other tourist attractions near the Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Monument are the Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, Independence Monument, etc.

There is a lot to explore in Cambodia including the ancient temples, monuments and other tourist attractions. Read more at Top Cambodian Tourist Spots.

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is a Buddhist temple and a remarkable Hindu monument in Cambodia devoted to the God Vishnu. The monument is situated in Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia. The Temple City or Angkor Wat, is considered Cambodia’s largest religious monument. The architectural beauty and intricate carving attracted lots of travellers every year. The monument is considered as the iconic symbol of Khmer artwork. The well-constructed towers, numerous sculptures, intricate carvings, and bas-reliefs stand as an example of outstanding architecture. 

Banteay Kdei or Citadel of Chambers is another must-visit sight in Angkor Wat. It is made of bas-relief carvings that depict mythological legends and other characters. The city has over 1000 temples and ancient ruins, so it might take 3-4 days to visit all the famous sights and temples. Visitors can explore the Angkor Wat any day from 5 AM to 5.30 PM.

Phnom Yat

The famous monument Phnom Yat is situated in the center of Pailin city. The hilltop Buddhist sanctuary Phnom Yat was built by King Jayavarman VII during the 11th century. The architecture and structure reflect the style of Khmer and it is a religious center of Buddhism. The spiritual sanctuary was built on a mountain that is 60 meters high. From ancient times to the present, Phnom Yat has treasured the country’s culture and heritage. The intricate carvings, murals and the glittering golden stupa offer a grander view. The Buddha statue in the temple is 30 meters long, and the murals surrounding it depict the life of Buddha.

Visitors should be mindful of the entrance fee for adults and it is completely free for children under 12 years of age. To visit the Phnom Yat Pagoda visitors can either choose a bus from Siem Reap, a taxi from Phnom Penh, a rental vehicle or their own transportation. The temple is open to visitors from 7.00 AM to 5.00 PM. Travellers can also choose to explore nearby waterfalls and hiking activities.

Phnom Krom

The astonishing hilltop Phnom Krom monument was built by King Yasovarman I during the late 9th century. The ancient temple has three towers devoted to the three important Hindu Gods, the Lord Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu. Visitors have to climb up the stairs to discover the three majestic sandstone shires. The monument is located 12 Km away from the Siem Reap. Besides exploring the ruins of the Phnom Krom monument, it is the best place to enjoy the sunset from the hilltop. The shire and most of the intricate carvings are damaged, but the ruin of the temple is worth visiting.

The Phnom Kron monument is open every day from 7.00 AM to 5.00 PM. The best time to visit the monument would be late afternoon because visitors can enjoy the sunset. Visitors can use their Angkor Pass to enter the Phnom Krom. The countryside is also famous for hiking and trekking tours, ancient temple tours (for five days) and private tours, which include exploring the Chong Kneas Floating Village and other nearby sights.

Silver Pagoda

One of the famous monuments in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, is the Silver Pagoda. It is located nearby the Royal Palace. Silver Pagoda, also known as the Temple of the Emerald Crystal, serves as the Buddhist worship place for kings and also hosts many Buddhist festivals and ceremonies. It was built by King Norodom in 1892, later, it was seriously damaged and reconstructed in 1962. The monument is covered with over 5000 silver tiles and the main attraction of Silver Pagoda is the gold Buddha statue. It is a full-sized statue made up of 90 Kg of gold and over 2000 pieces of diamonds.

Another highlight of the temple is the emerald Buddha seated on a pedestal. The mural and frescoes on the temple wall depict scenes from the Ream Ke epic. The paintings extend to a length of 642 meters, and 40 Cambodian artists worked between 1903 and 1904 to complete the painting. Travellers can visit the temple on any day between the morning and afternoon schedules, which are 8.00 AM to 11.00 PM and 2.00 PM to 7.00 PM.

Ta Prohm

Tomb Raider Temple or the Ta Prohm, is located in Siem Reap. The famous 12th century temple was built by King Jayavarman VII. The distinctive feature of the jungle temple is because of its unrestored state. The intertwining trees provide a natural atmosphere and attract more visitors. Travellers can witness the force of nature finding its way to bend with the architecture. The temple was built as a Buddhist monastery and dedicated to the Prajnaparamita (Buddhist deity). The face towers were added to the To Prohm in the 13th century. Ta Prohm includes statues of gods, towers connecting with passages, three-square galleries, etc.

Visitors can use their Angkor Park pass to explore Ta Prohm. It takes 1-1.5 hours to visit the sights in the Ta Prohm monument. The giant tree roots and the main hall are the major attractions of the monument. Visitors can explore the galleries, hall of dancers, libraries and temples of Ta Prohm. The monument is open to visitors every day from 7.30 AM to 5.30 PM.

The museums, palaces, pagodas, and markets provide a look into Cambodia's history and culture. Bars, restaurants, and clubs make up its vibrant nightlife. These are only a few of the major towns that contribute to making Cambodia an interesting and varied place to travel. Here is an overview of the most popular cities in Cambodia to visit.

Australian citizens, Canadian citizens, French citizens and Italian citizens are eligible to apply online for Cambodia e-Visa.